SATAWU aims to advance and defend the interests of the workers in all matters of mutual interest between workers and their employers in order to improve the standard of living of the union`s members, workers and the working class in general.

The SATAWU promotes and defends the socio-economic interests of the union members, workers and the working class against unfair labour practises and dismissals as well as the promotion of job security, job creation programmes and resisting dismissals for operational reasons.

SATAWU intends to eradicate all forms of unfair discrimination in the workplace and build and maintain a democratic worker controlled union based on the principles of non-racialism, non-tribalism, non-sexism, non-homophobic and non-xenophobic principles. To encourage democracy and worker control in the union by encouraging members, shop stewards, officials and office bearers to work in an accountable and responsible fashion.

To advance and defend the cause of democracy and socialism in the workplace, the economy, the country and internationally. To build solidarity and foster unity, co-operation and comradeship amongst all workers and the working class.

The Union will be open to all workers employed in public or private industries, trades, occupations and undertakings in South Africa included within the transport services, maritime transport, civil aviation, transport infrastructure services and property services.