
The SARCC Director
Centre for Transport Studies
Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3
Rondebosch 7701
South Africa

Tel: (+27) 021-650 4757
Fax: (+27) 021-689 7471
EMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Centre for Transport Studies is a multidisciplinary research and postgraduate teaching body based in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment at the University of Cape Town. It provides a home for cross-departmental teaching and research within the field of transportation. It draws on the expertise of staff from UCT departments and other centres, most notably the Department of Civil Engineering, the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics and the Centre for Cities in Africa, as well as from nationally and internationally based academics and professionals.

The Centre's vision is an internationally recognised research and teaching body that produces relevant research, develops skilled professionals, and advocates innovative practices and institutional arrangements for the management of complex transport systems in the dynamic cities of South Africa and other African nations.

The purpose of the Centre is to stimulate debate and undertake research that focuses on the equity, sustainability and efficiency problems associated with current urban passenger transport systems in South African cities, and on the development of practices and skills that are consistent with the goals and objectives of a changed South African legislative and policy environment. The Centre's priorities in curriculum development, and in undertaking research, are to contribute to the equitable, efficient and safe accommodation of the travel needs of poorer households within urban passenger transport systems, and to the promotion of more efficient and sustainable travel behaviour patterns and transport system operations.


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