Pictures from the virtual
Special Interest Group
"Sustainable Public Transport"
2 3 A p r i l 2 0 2 0
Zoom online webinar
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Presentations presented:
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Industry Status Update |
Ms Vuyisile Majola |
Economic impact of Covid-19 on transport, now and after lockdown |
Mr Alistair Maxwell Senior Economist |
Why the Taxi Industry has remained informal |
Ms Lisa Seftel |
Investment and Diversification in Public Transport |
Mr. Mpho Mothapo |
Public Transport Infrastructure Maintenance - Challenges and Solutions | Ms Safiyya Aboo Technical Director, Transport Planning Lead Aurecon |
The Imminent Uberisation of the Minibus Taxi Industry - A Dream or a Nightmare |
Mr Victor Radebe Executive Director Mobility Centre for Africa |
The Transport Forum events are streamed to our YouTube channel.
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