Pictures and streaming done at the:

transport forum

Answering the climate action challenge at scale

2    A p r i l    2 0 2 0
Morning session
Online session only through Zoom (COVID-19 arrangement)

 Proudly hosted by:


 With alliance partners:

Smart Mobility ITSSA   CHEP small

 Thank you to the other great sponsors for making the Transport Forum possible:

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Business associations, companies, cities and others with foresight are standing up for an economy with nett-zero carbon emissions by 2050, under the umbrella of the emerging Alliance for Climate Action South Africa. They are demonstrating leadership by taking their own action and collaborating with others to deliver more ambitious outcomes than they could do alone. Transport is one of the sectors of focus.

Come and hear from Alliance members, participate in shaping the Alliance’s programme in your sector, and develop concepts for collaboration that would be fruitful for your organisation.

So far, participants in the transport sector are the Intelligent Transport Society SA (ITSSA) with around 100 members from the private and public sectors, and Climate Solver SMEs MISER Hybrid Technologies (kinetic energy recovery retrofit) and Mellow Cabs (electric vehicle manufacturers).

WWF Action 2

The Alliance is convened by the National Business Initiative, C40 Cities and WWF.

Presentations presented:

Introduction to the Alliance for Climate Action

·    What the Alliance is

·    Commitment statement

·    The scientific foundation

·    What might be in it for your organisation

·    How you can participate

Ms Louise Naudé

Why we joined the Alliance and our plans

Alliance member:

Ms Nomathemba Mhlanga

Alliance member:

Mr Tony Huggett

One Planet City Challenge participant:
City of Johannesburg
Ms Daisy Dwango

The Transport Forum events are streamed to our YouTube channel.
You are welcome to view using the following link: