The Road Ethics Project is a nonprofit organization focused on ethical aspects of the road traffic system, especially its life-or-death nature and the shared moral responsibilities of stakeholders when it comes to reducing crashes. We foster ethically literate, law-abiding and morally mature road use, sparking conversations to change minds and influence behaviour towards saving lives and preventing injuries. Via media interviews, training sessions and webinars, toolbox talks, conference presentations and participation in multidisciplinary panels we highlight the ethical unacceptability of road deaths and injuries, promote a Vision Zero philosophy and provide clarity on the globally lauded Safe System Approach.
The Road Ethics Project is an active member of both the SADC Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety. Director and co-founder Dr Lee Randall is an individual member of the Australasian College of Road Safety and a member of the road safety committee of the South African Road Federation (SARF). We’re keen and available to partner on road safety events, community engagement projects and research programmes. Professional and corporate sponsors and individual donors are very welcome!
LOCATION: 554 Louis Botha Avenue, Gresswold, Johannesburg, South Africa