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"Exploring RTMS and ISO management systems as a
driver of road transport sustainability

10 March 2022

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 10 March 2020

Presentations presented
Note that the presentations are available from the Events/Downloads option. You need to be logged in to access them. Should you not have an account yet, you can create you own complimentary account by selecting "Sign Up" under the Users Menu

Linking business strategy with management systems, and sustainability

Oliver Naidoo
Managing Director
JC Auditors

Saving Lives Beyond 2020

Prof Claes Tingvall
Chalmers University of Technology
Vehicle Engineering & autonomous systems

Sustainability fundamentals in action at Unitrans

Liesl de Wet
Head: Accelerated Organisational Sustainability
Unitrans Supply Chain Solutions (Pty) Ltd

The Imperial approach to integrated systems, safety, and sustainability

Bobby Shemmans
Vice President: SSHE
Imperial, Road Freight Africa

Implementing management systems in a growing transport operation

Cedrick Moodley
Business Development Executive

A vehicle technology perspective on sustainable road freight

Dr Chris de Saxe
Senior Research Associate
University of Cambridge

Promoting safe and sustainable road freight and passenger transport through a Performance-Based Standards approach

Dr Paul Nordengen
Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology Africa

