Pictures taken at the
Transport Forum
S p e c i a l   I n t e r e s t   G r o u p
and Workshop

"Systems Thinking in Transport"
Thursday 6 July 2017 in Johannesburg

   Proudly hosted by:

WTCSE June 2017

Many thanks to great sponsors who made this event possible:

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“A ‘system’ is a construct or collection of different elements that together produce results not obtainable by the elements alone. The elements, or parts, can include people, hardware, software, facilities, policies, and documents; that is, all things required to produce system-level results.”

Rechtin, E. (1999)

This event focused on the importance of Systems Thinking in Transport; specifically addressing:

  • System definition and understanding Systems concepts as well as Super-System capability issues as applied to the Gauteng Transport System
  • Various viewpoints required to be considered when “Thinking” about the System.

The event was divided into two sessions: 1) Morning tutorial in Systems Thinking and, 2) Afternoon seminar. The morning tutorial, facilitated by the Wits TCSE explored the Gauteng transport system from a Systems Thinking perspective; specifically identifying key problems, decisions and contingency to be planned. Asking the question: “Why?” The afternoon seminar, executives shared experience and knowledge gained from their respective fields of expertise.

The day concluded with a wine tasting sponsored by De Krans Wine Estate (


Presentations presented
These presentations are available from the Downloads feature. Please remember that you need to be logged in to access them

Opening address

Prof Beatrys Lacquet


Wits Transnet Centre of Systems Engineering (TCSE)

Feedback on Single Window for Freight Workshop & Reflection on Systems Thinking

Verbal only

Mr. Wim van Schalkwyk


Industrial & Systems Engineer


The Impact of Transport on Gauteng as South Africa’s Economic Heartland

Mr. Jesse Harber


Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO)

The Impact of Multiple Modes of Transport to the Gauteng Rail Freight Ring Efficiency

Mr. Francois Meyer

General Manager

Transnet Group Capital

The Human-Centered Transport System

Verbal only

Mrs. Jessica Hutchings

Human Factors & Safety Lead

Wits Transnet Centre of Systems Engineering (TCSE)

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Introduction

Mr. René Oosthuizen

INCOSE SA Chapter Immediate Past President