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Pictures taken at the

Transport Forum

Month of Transport Celebrations


1 October 2015

“Trends in Policy Development for Transport”

Proudly hosted by

University of Johannesburg's
Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (Africa),
or ITLS (Africa)

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Presentations presented

These presentations are available from the Download feature. Note that you need to be logged in
to access them (for free).


Transport policy developments over the short to medium term

Prof. Jackie Walters
Head: Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management
University of Johannesburg


Opening Address

Ms Elsie Neluvhalani 
On behalf of the Deputy Minister of Transport
Department of Transport


Making cities more competitive: The Economic Case for Public Transport

Ms Alma Nel
Director: Legal and Policy Research
Gauteng Provincial Government


Industry Commitment to Collaborate in Policy Formalisation, implementation and promotion

Ms Brenda Horne-Ferreira
Chief Executive Officer

Southern Africa Shippers Transport and Logistics Council (SASTaLC)


Policy Conundrums in Urban Transport

Mr Bill Cameron
Director: Public Transport
Department of Transport


The Green Paper on National Rail Policy

  Ms Hlengiwe Sayd
  Director: Rail Policy and Strategy
  Department of Transport

Policy Alignment and Policy Coherence

Mr Elvin Harris
Executive Manager: Strategic Knowledge
Transnet Freight Rail


Economic Regulation and Competition in Railways

Ms Kgomotso Modise
DDT: Transport
Department of Public Enterprises


Lessons learnt: A Ports Regulator’s Perspective

Mr Riad Khan
ex-Ports Regulator


Getting the balance right between short term interventions and long term sustainability

Ms Lisa Seftel
Executive Director: Transportation
City of Joburg


RTMS driving standards to promote best practices

 Ms Kathy Bell
 Steerco Member
 Road Transport Management System (RTMS)