Pictures taken at the     

                                                    Transport Forum
          Monthly Special Interest Group (SIG)

                                               Thursday 3 March 2011 

                                              Future Scenarios 
                             Proudly hosted by University of Stellenbosch's
                                     Centre for Supply Chain Management

            Many thanks to our sponsors for making this event possible:



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Presentations presented:

Corridor Performance

This presentation was done verbally only.

Mr Robin Carlisle
MEC: Transport and Public Works
Western Cape Provincial Government

The Importance of Tracking Vehicles on a Corridor

See the impact what monitoring vehicles has on route, time spend at border post and the financial impact on the industry

This presentation is available under "Downloads/Sponsors Documentation and Presentations"

Mr Greg Peterson
Sales Manager: Cape Town
Digicore Fleet Management

The future of freight – scenarios for 2040

This presentation is available under "Downloads/Presentations".
You need to log in as a user (for free) to download this presentation.

Dr Jan Havenga
Head: Centre for Supply Chain Management
University of Stellenbosch